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Medway Culture Club… It’s the Biz


Medway Culture Club has gained the continued support of It’s the Biz magazine who have published our articles and events throughout this year.

Here is the write up on our Live Launch - African Drumming and Storytelling workshop, taking place on Saturday 3rd July From 10:30am until 1pm.

We have had a phenomenal response so far and bookings for primary aged children have very quickly reached capacity. We currently have a few spaces left for the 12-16 age group.

Apologies to those who have not been able to book children in on this occasion but I would suggest that you subscribe to our newsletters and also follow our Instagram - @medwayculture and Facebook page - Medway Culture Club so you will be first to hear of our future events and activities.


For now, please note we are planning Medway Culture Club Carnival on 28th August. This will be a FREE community fun day where we hope to get to know some of you and your families better.

You heard it here first!! So watch this space for further details.

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