This is a great opportunity to get close to nature at Kent’s leading Heritage Farm Park, as we discover the impressive architecture, exotic foods and innovative farming practices of the Mayan culture. Together we'll explore this ancient civilization and their settlement in South America, as well as learning about food and farming while petting and feeding the various farm yard animals that call Kent Life home.
The MCC bus will depart from Woodlands Youth Centre, Gillingham at 9:30am, on Saturday, March 2nd, returning at 2pm. This one is just for the children!
This event promises an unforgettable experience for your children while fostering creative and cultural understanding and appreciation. There are limited seats on the bus, so book now to avoid your child missing this unique cultural adventure!
If you would like your child(ren) to benefit from this fun, sociable learning experience, secure your place(s) by booking online at 👉 CLICK HERE TO BOOK